Welcome to the Regional Ministry of Hope!
We're glad you're here.

Whether you are visiting or would like to make this church your parish home, we welcome you to worship with us.  Our worship services—like our buildings--reflect a mixing and blending of the traditional and more modern, with music and singing an important and integral part of our worship.

We hope you will feel like you've found a home, in either of our churches. You will find both congregations warm and welcoming to all people and in full agreement with "Proud Anglicans of Huron". 

Trinity Blyth's building is totally barrier free and with an intimate feel, complete with comfortable chairs instead of pews.  St. Paul's-Trinity's sanctuary is beautifully traditional in style, with painted frecoes and original wood work and a small but dedicated and talented choir.  When you enter, you feel you've entered a sacred space.   In both churches, the service is projected entirely on the screen, simply find a comfortable seat and follow along.  Prayer books and hymn books are in the pews, should you prefer to use them.   

Holy Communion is offered every other Sunday and all baptized Christians are welcomed to receive.  Gluten free options are available.

You will find the offering plate right near the church entrance.  (You are welcomed to contribute to the operation of the parish but please don’t feel you have to!) We don't 'pass the plate'!

If there is a question that comes to mind during the service, the sermon or during your exploration of the community you can ask after the service, send an email to Rev. JoAnn at revjoann@hurontel.on.ca Do come and check us out, we hope to see you soon!